
healthy, high-performance teams

A productive team is the result of interplay between many different factors that can be developed and strengthened through team-building measures. A team with a strong sense of belonging and a shared goal offers a level of business potential that should not be underestimated.


Development measures are not just effective tools when forming new teams. All too often, existing work groups do not reach their maximum performance level either.

It is crucial to give managers and team members the relevant practical tools for everyday teamwork. Teams undergo constant change, whether through the individual contribution of team members, employee turnover or changing requirements. Long-term success will only be achieved if team development is also seen as a path to be taken.

High-performance teams are characterised by a large number of factors with varying priority levels depending on the team. Clear objectives and a shared vision set the course. Clear definition of roles and task areas increases efficiency in communication and processes. A productive team atmosphere is created when all team members follow the same rules for working together whilst communicating openly and understand how to resolve conflict. This makes internal agreements more efficient and ensure that challenges are dealt with more quickly as they arise. Finally, management of the team is of key importance. That is why we also focus on the development of skills in the field of team management.

Our services

  • Analysis of team culture including integration of current issues
  • Custom team development concept
  • Individual team workshops with a combination of implementation-oriented theory and application in practice
  • Definition of goals, responsibilities and roles
  • Optional team-building measures outside the company
  • Optional systemic team coaching
  • Follow-up meetings

Process of a team development project

Our team development measures start with an analysis of the team culture, including roles, structures, processes and the requirements of the team. A meeting is held with the team managers and the team members are asked about the team-related issues. The workshop is designed on the basis of the information that is evaluated.

Our team training includes a combination of theoretical yet practice-oriented content as well as tasks to apply the knowledge that has been gained. This ensures maximum integration of knowledge into everyday working life. Once the concept is agreed with HR managers and the team manager, the content of the workshop is presented to the team. On the day of the workshop, our team of HR consultants and business psychologists will be on-site. The workshop will be followed by a feedback session as well as setting further milestones together and an extensive follow-up for the workshop.

Your Benefits

Our team development workshop helps you to

  • Develop your teams into healthy, high-performance teams
  • Establish a framework that enables maximum performance
  • Develop teams that can respond quickly and efficiently to changed requirements
  • Strengthen motivation, commitment and loyalty
  • Provide skills and tools that can be used in everyday work life
  • Promote team spirit and good collaboration
  • Improve the team atmosphere


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